Bustout Bear

Bustout Bear



Understanding Unicorn

Understanding Unicorn



Listening Lynx

Listening Lynx



Loving Lion

Loving Lion



Yin Yang Yak

Yin Yang Yak

Picturing Porpoise

Picturing Porpoise


Respectful Raven

Respectful Raven


Originating Otter

Originating Otter



Overseeing Owl

Overseeing Owl



Fearless Fox

Fearless Fox

Let your Mouse roll on over and sniff out the wisdom of the BULLYPROOF Shields




The BULLYPROOF program uses ten animal characters to teach more powerful tools than intimidation or violence for getting what you really need and want.


Bustout Bear Bust-out from the fighting trap. Bullying may seem to work in the short run, but in the end it won't get you what you want. For true power, learn to use your mind, your voice and your heart
Understanding Unicorn Understand that others have legitimate needs, hurts, and fears as do you. Understand what's triggering your own hot buttons - and the other guy's.
Listening Lynx Listen behind the angry words to hear unmet needs. "I hear you saying ____, is that right?" Repeat until they know they're heard. Ask them to do the same. There is more power in listening than in lashing out.
Loving Lion Let Love into your Heart. Just for being a human being, you deserve to be loved. Look for the good in others. Get what you need by appealing to the strengths of a person, not by making him feel week.
Yin Yang Yak Yin Yang is the sign for balance. Balance the opposite feelings and thoughts within you. Embrace opposites in the situation. Turn any energy directed against you into a positive force for you.
Picturing Porpoise Picture a positive image of what you really want. By visualizing an outcome, you make it more likely to happen. A picture is more powerful than a punch! See it, feel it in your mind and you'll attract it to you.
Respectful Raven Respect for yourself and others. Bullying others is a pitiful attempt to extract false respect. If you respect others, maybe they'll respect you for real. Don't "dis" others by labeling them. No put downs, put ups!
Originating Otter Originate a win-win way. You can actually win more and keep more if you make everyone a winner. Don't make a loser or we'll all be worse off.
Overseeing Owl Oversee the chaotic fray. Overcome evil with good and falsehood with truth. Use the Force - your inner strength - to rise above the situation.
Fearless Fox Face your fears. Be brave enough to face yourself, to step outside your mask and show your true feelings. Be brave enough to tackle your true mission, your hero's journey. Fear attracts attack, a brave stance repels it.


Full Wisdom